Friday, January 30, 2009


My name is Lara and I'm Shauna's cousin (sorry I forgot to do this earlier)! I have five kids, and love to cook (some might say I'm obsessed.) In regards to the goals I posted earlier, I realize now they sound lofty, and want to emphasize that they're goals. I'm a long way from those goals, but I'm trying to move in that direction, like Shelby said in her post about the chicken she uses.

Also, on vegetarianism, I do love meat, but I try to prepare it no more than twice a week. We love vegetarian meals, and my sixteen year old is a vegetarian, and my husband and I have been vegetarians for different periods of time. Has anyone read Mark Bittman's book Food Matters? He has a rule that he's vegan until dinner. He advocates cutting way down on meat for health and environmental reasons.

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