Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick or What?!?!

I think my life has finally calmed down enough to start posting hear again. I've been thinking a lot about what to give out for Halloween and what to do with the mounds of candy my nearly three-year-old daughter is sure to bring home.

I don't want to be the mom in the neighborhood that hands out boxes of raisins or toothbrushes, but I can't bring myself to buy a giant bag of candy to push on the neighbor kids. I'm thinking of going the toy route. I might purchase the mini playdough packs or something. Any ideas? I wish it weren't so creepy to actually make something to give away.

Have any of you found successful ways to keep your kids happy while preventing them from ingesting gobs of high-fructose corn syrup? I've heard of letting your kids eat as much candy as they want on Halloween night and then having the "candy fairy" come take the candy in the night and replace it with a toy.


MandB said...

We knocked on one door-- the guy came out and recognized Rosie from our walks-- he said, "Wait, I have a special treat for babies!" and ran in the back and brought out a little stuffed cow!
So cute.
And our other neighbor brought Rosie a little box of organic smiley face cereal.
So nice!

shaunita said...

that's awesome! I love it when people get creative.

Jennifer Darger said...

Shauna, I did not know this was your blog! It's awesome and I'm going to keep up on it now. I love that you're trying to eat healthier, it's something I've been trying to do too. For Halloween, I took the girls' bags right away and hid them. I used to give them a piece once in a while (and eat handfuls of it myself) but now they're sitting on the top shelf of the closet. Before they were up, I actually found Millie hiding under her bed munching on some, and a few wrappers here and there. But now it's forgotten, I just have the hardest time throwing away prefectly good chocolate!