Monday, August 4, 2008

Just Say No!

I've decided I have to revise one of my goals (already!)--I'm not doing well with "less refined sugar." I think the problem is that "less" is such a vague and easily justifiable word. And once I talk myself into a sugary treat, my blood sugar skyrockets, plummets, and leaves me in a puddle of exhaustion. I then justify more sugar to help me get through the afternoon (or whatever my excuse happens to be at the moment) and the cycle starts all over again. Yesterday I found myself sneaking my daughter's potty treats and new that it was time to re-evaluate.

So, I'm going back to my original goal of NO REFINED SUGAR!! I'm thinking of allowing myself definable breaks (like eating cake at my sister's wedding, etc). Do you think I'm just justifying more? I'd love your opinions.

1 comment:

Rebecka Jeffs said...

Quitting cold turkey could be hard and maybe impossible! :) I think on special occasions you should be able to indulge just a little.