Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ice Cream Therapy

I knew my goal of eating less refined sugar would be the hardest for me; I just didn't realize the scope of my sugar addiction. I use sugar for many things: yesterday I used the cookies for a little energy boost to help me make it through bedtime routines, etc. Today I used ice cream as an anti-depressant. I have a long history of choosing Rocky Road instead of Prozac. I first remember being aware of using ice cream to alter my mood in college. I would get stressed out and ready to collapse, so I would go running and eat a pint of Phish Food (not all in one sitting, but pretty close) and feel like I could handle anything.

Today I ended up stuck in the house most of the day--I didn't have access to a car today, and the weather was way too hot to walk anywhere after 8:00 a.m. In fact, I went on a short walk with the kids at 9:30 and returned home drenched in sweat. My husband came home from work and started working on wiring something for his car. Suddenly, I felt stir crazy and depressed. I had the urge to sprint out of the house and run, but it was still too hot, and my jog stroller has a fast leak in one tire. So, I left my husband in charge of the baby and headed to Baskin Robbins with my daughter. I felt sanity return to me after the first chocolatey lick.

So, I think in order to successfully meet my sugar goal I'm going to have to get regular exercise. Our lives are pretty packed with obligations, but I'm going to have to find something that works. Just walking around the neighborhood isn't cutting it. I need those endorphins, baby! Any ideas?

1 comment:

Angie said...

I think Rocky Road is the better choice. :)